Tuesday, October 24, 2006

thick/N (Prior work- Harry Smoak)

thick/N– Technology Research Square (2004)

A responsive media installation to provide a playful oasis where social engagement is privileged by an ability to change the space’s state; activity is rewarded by greater protection from voyeurism and social thickening drives a thickening of media. Lighting and synthesis of audio and video are parameterized by analyses of microphone and video camera data in Max/MSP and Jitter.

with Matthew Peters Warne


Blogger Harry said...

I'm sharing with you some previous work over the last few years that I feel share some resonances with the project we've been discussing. I expect to use some of the techniques developed from these projects to do some early table experiments based on camera-based tracking and projected video display, with real-time media synthesis.

7:08 AM  

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